Some starlets would do anything to maintain their youthful appearance but most of them have already tried all the beautification methods available, even if they're not always ready to admit to it. Demi Moore is the exception in the case, as she revealed her most efficient beauty trick live on David Letterman: having leeches stuck on her body sucking her blood.
The 45-year-old actress, who was on the show in order to promote her latest film, "Flawless", let it slip that she was never the one to be afraid of a bit of blood-sucking, especially if that meant always being as gorgeous as she is now. So, if leeches in the belly button sound like torture to other women out there, it's just them because Demi can vouch for this extreme alternative therapy, that she discovered while on a health trip to Austria.
Demi told a horrified Letterman and his audience that, while she was aware how her story sounded, people often forget that leeches actually have a positive effect on the organism. Especially the ones she used, that "aren't just swamp leeches though - we are talking about highly trained medical leeches, not some low-level scavengers - we're talking high-level blood suckers", used to detoxify the blood and make the patient feel rejuvenated. "They have a little enzyme that when they are biting down in you it gets released in your blood and generally you bleed for quite a bit - and your health is optimized", Mrs Moore explained.
Even if this sounds like something that any one of us could do in the privacy of our homes, Demi says that it's not quite so, as the blood-letting session includes a strict ritual that has to be followed. "You have to do a turpentine bath first - that's part of the therapy. The other thing I found out is that leeches don't like hair so if you are hairy be prepared to do some shaving or waxing - they much prefer a Brazilian.", she told the talk show host.
While also on the subject of being sucked of blood, the actress openly answered all of Letterman's questions, including the ones referring to her first time. It was painful, she admitted, and she felt really bad when the session was over, but a short while later the positive effects began to be felt. Which is precisely why Demi is thinking of going back to undergo the same treatment, because she's truly convinced that it's working miracles for her health and wellbeing: "You first feel worse then you feel better. But I'm going back - I only got four leeches and I feel a bit cheated."
Although the use of leeches for the exact purposes that actress Demi Moore stated in her interview with David Letterman dates from back in the old age, what she seemed to have forgotten is the reported $400,000 she spent five years ago on a complete plastic surgery makeover. In all fairness, Demi never admitted to having any work done on her face and body, but she's believed to have had liposuction to her hips, thighs and stomach, several brow lifts, chemical skin peeling, breast implants, knee surgery and collagen injections amongst others. Or perhaps it was just the leech therapy all along and nothing more.
By : www.inandoutstar.com
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